Monday, May 11, 2015

Dr. Jim R. Eells is a Leading Doctor When it Comes to Concierge Medicine

Dr. Jim Eells Facebook Page

Concierge medicine is also referred to as retainer medicine. This is defined as the rapport between a healthcare physician and a patient wherein the latter pays for an annual fee or retainer.As a replacement for the annual fee, the physician will render personalized care to this patient when needed.The doctor should render improved care through principally committing to limited loads of patient in order to ascertain sufficient availability and time for each patient. 

In addition to retainer medicine, concierge medicine is also known to many calls. It can also be called as membership medicine, direct care or cash-only practice.While all practices of concierge medicine contribute resemblances, they widely vary in their requirements, form of operation, structure and payment. Now, the era for concierge practitioners pursues to flourish and develop.A lot of people these days like to attain personalized and accessible care that is why they are looking for concierge medicine doctors.

In Las Vegas, Nevada, a general practitioner can definitely offer concierge medicine. He is none other than the 51-year-old Dr. Jim R. Eells.If the phrase concierge medicine is traditionally connected to the words expensive and wealthy, Dr. Eells is one of the leading physicians in Nevada that offers affordable, personalized care to his patients in Vegas.He is one of the new generation doctors who renders personalized care to patients who like to get to know their physician better and anticipate to receiving complete health care for a price within their budget!

Dr. Eells finished medicine from the medicine school of the University of Nevada.In the year 1989, he was board qualified by the American College of Physicians. Before enrolling to a medical school, Dr. Eells is degree holder Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Biology. In the year 1992, he acquired his medical license. He finally became a licensed physician.With his educational attainment, it is not unexpected that he is highly-knowledgeable to provide concierge medicine.

Having a total of twenty years and counting experience in the medical field, Dr. Eells has already been awarded with many awards. Some of the awards he has received include Compassionate Doctor Recognition, America’s Top Physician and Patient’s Choice Award.Overall, he ranks as an excellent doctor to most of his patients. He really is accommodating, compassionate and always willing to listen, according to them.

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